Today we laboured hard to build new dust baths for Jackie and the four Saras to help keep their feathers in tip-top condition. We used old SUV tyres filled with equal proportions of kiln-dried sand, wood ash and diatomaceous earth or mite powder. It's the poultry equivalent of bath salts plus Radox plus rubber duck! Quite pleased with our work, we even added fine bathroom touches that we thought would please any girl. Unfortunately, Jackie wasn't impressed when she was called for bathtime. She sat uneasily for a few seconds and then clambered out and ran away, like a small boy who's been tricked into going to the barber's. We went to fetch one of the Saras but she also turned up her beak at it, muttered some fowl language and flapped off too. What a performance! Looks like we'll just have to use them ourselves...
